Sunday, July 21, 2013

Prayer Reflections Week XV (July 22-28, 2013)

Day 7: "Persistence will make him get up and give his friend all he wants."-luke11:8.

  • Does God answer our prayers just because we're persistent in asking or  because he's basically a Giver? The father always gives what is best to us, yet He's happy when we persevere in prayer because it PROVES our trust that HE CARES for us. Don't stop praying. God shows Himself in a GRADUAL way when we ask Him day-by-day, 'Father..give us today our daily bread..'- vd prayer buddies

Day 5: Proverbs 11:30; " The seeds of good deeds become a tree of life"

  • His words serve as  fertilizer for us to grow in our spiritual life so that we bear much fruits. Our lives are mere reflection of how we nurtured the seed(word of God) . If his words firmly planted and rooted in our heart we become life changing instrument to others. - from Verbum Dei Prayer Buddies
  • "Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me." Jesus friendship with us is full of trust and confidence, he trusts us so much that he shared to us everything he learned from our father.  Are we so trusting and confident in our friendship with Jesus? Do we really trust in his words? - abay

Day 4: "To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge." -Mat. 13:12

  • knowledge of God will always lead us to do the right thing in the perspective that God wants us to see. The more we listen to and assimilate the word of God, the more we know and understand the ways of God. Knowing God is also knowing ourselves better. How happy and abundant our life would be if we had the abundant knowledge of God -VD Prayer Buddies 

Day 3: The seed that fell on good soil represents those who hear and accept God's word and produce a harvest....Mk 4:13-20.

  • God reminds me thru the parable how his words can bear fruits in us. It is vital to listen to his words with faith day by day. To ponder and devour each word and assimilate the word like a sponge that it becomes part of our life today by finding out where and how we can apply it in the situations we will face today. We need to ask God to increase our faith to believe and follow every word he tells us. -vd prayer buddies

Day 2: The seed that fell on good soil represents those who hear and accept God's word and produce a harvest....Mk 4:13-20.

  • God reminds me thru the parable how his words can bear fruits in us. It is vital to listen to his words with faith day by day. To ponder and devour each word and assimilate the word like a sponge that it becomes part of our life today by finding out where and how we can apply it in the situations we will face today. We need to ask God to increase our faith to believe and follow every word he tells us. -vd prayer buddies

Day 1: Then Hé said, " Anyone With ears to hear should listen and understand."Mk. 4:3,9

  • When we listen and understand, His words will be rooted in our hearts and become évident in what we live today. Like à plant deeply rooted in good soil, His words cannot be taken away With the world's offerings. Have you heard & understand His words today? - vd prayer buddies

  • truly, assimilation of the Word of God is understanding our prayers with our whole being. it is understanding what we have listened with our hearts and soul, not just with our minds; deciphering His desires in our lives by understanding between the lines. between those lines are words of love only understood by a heart that beats for the Word and a soul which yearns for it faithfully. for how can we really incarnate His Word in our realities if our understanding is lacking? This is our identity- to assimilate the Word with our entirety- DAILY! - Angel

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