Sunday, June 30, 2013

Prayer Reflections Week XII (July 1-7,2013)

Day 6: ' I know  well the plans i have for you. Place for your welfare not  for woe! Plans to give you a future full of hope.           - Jr 29 :11-12

  • our life in the mission have a transcendence. Gods desire for us is a future of hope. What  this moment mean of our mission VD for God? - VD Prayer Buddies

Day 5: Mat. 9:9-13; 'It is not the healthy who need the doctor, but the sick. And indeed I came to call not the upright, but sinners."

  • We are sick but healed by God. We are sinners but forgiven. We are difficult people but called by God to the same mission to  attracts other difficult people as well. Our call to be disciples; call for others.- vd prayer buddies

Day 4: "Seeing their faith, Jesus said take comfort, my child, your sins are forgiven. " -Mat 9:1-8

  • Jesus never runs out of mercy for us giving us peace and comfort and seeing the priceless value of our life beyond our feelings of stingy, guilt, and unworthiness. As followers of Jesus we are invited to do the same - VD Prayer Buddies

Day 3: "You are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets and jesus himself is the cornerstone." Eph.:2:19-22.

  • You are being prepared by Jesus to collaborate with His mission like everyone of us. He gives us exactly what we need during the journey. This is an opportunity to encounter more of Christ and the joy of giving ourselves to others. Christ needs us. He needs you. ---------frm. VD Prayer Buddies

Day 2:"Do not be afraid, follow me"  (Mt 8:23-27).

  • How deep is your faith in Jesus? Is it strong enough to make you unafraid to take risks in order to follow Him? What kind of waves hinder you to follow Him? The offer of the world only gives us temporal happiness. Yes to follow Christ is not easy but he is the only one who can give us true happiness. Let's give our 100% in following Christ and lead others to do the same and enjoy the fullness of life that we are longing for. - vd prayer buddies

Day 1:But Jesus Said to him' "Follow me and allow the dead to bury their own dead". Mat. 8:22.

  • Jesus is inviting us to followHis desires for us and leave our own desires. We may meet trials along the way in our following but these are nothing when we live with the awareness that jesus is always present in our lives. VD prayer buddies

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Prayer Reflections Week XI (June 24-30, 2013)

Day 6: "here I'm, ready to came to you for the third time and I'm not going to be a burden on you' -2 cor.12: 14

  • After this week Jesus came again to us loving,forgiving us making us to see that cross is not burden. Life itself is a guaranty of growth.What you discover this week? What did you learn in your own process of carrying your cross?  - VD Prayer Buddies

Day 5: 2 Tim 4:17-18" But the Lord stood by me and gave me power so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed for all the gentiles to hear and so I was saved from the lion's mouth."
  • Don't give up because God never gives up on you. He gives you strength for you to bring the word of God to your family, officemate, friends and to other people and even to your enemies. From VD Prayer Buddies

Day 4: "We are subjected to any kind of hardships but never distressed; we see no out but never despair; we are pursued but never cut off; knocked down, but still have some life in us." - 2 cor.4:7-12

  • We never loss hope because this hope of ours is anchored in the very life of Jesus. Always look beyond the cross, it is not the end but just the means of our concrete following of Jesus and marked in us our true christian identity. -VD Prayer Buddies

Day 3: "The Cross of Christ is a folly to the world.. but for those who are on the road of salvation it is the power of God." 1Cor.1:18-25

  • The road to salvation would always lead us to the cross but the world see this as foolishness and absurd. I would rather be a fool in the eyes of the world but wise in the eyes of God.Today make a choice, which do you prefer? - VD Prayer Buddies

Day 2: The life that I am now living...I am living in faith in the son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. Gal 2:20.

  • It is unconditional love for us that moved Jesus to embrace the cross until the very end. Like Jesus we all have crosses in life that comes in different sizes and no one is exempted from having them. Does the cross scare you away? Bearing our cross daily will lead us to the perfection of our love for our spouse, children, neighbor. The cross is not an option but a necessity in following Jesus. -VD Prayer Buddies.
  • The old and rugged cross is the most beautiful wood for it reminds God's unfailing love to mankind. - Celia
  • i may have accepted my cross but with lots of complaints and a lot of times left the cross behind especially wen got frustrated. help me to be strong and firm in carrying my cross every minute, everyday without hesitation  and complaints in taking it as a joy of being with Him. let me be the light as well to others in following His footsteps amen - Dhelia
Day 1:"When i am lifted from the earth i will draw everyone to me. (In saying this he indicated the kind of death he was going to suffer).jn12:23-28

  • we already had the assurance from Jesus that we are not meant to stay forever in this world but to be with him forever.Jesus had to take death for our sake. We are invited to die from our worldly ways & desires so that the work of Jesus may be seen in our lives. - VD Prayer Buddies

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Prayer Reflections Week X (June 17-23, 2013)

Day 6: "dont be anxious about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall put on. Is not life more than food & the body more than clothing?" Mt 6: 24-34

  • God give us the grace to recognize his providence. He will not abandon us. Trust in him and do his will. Look for his kingdom and the rest will be given. -VD Prayer Buddies

Day 5: Mt 6:19-23; Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

  • Doing good deeds everyday is storing treasures in heaven. And giving with willingness of the heart would lead you to the fullness of life. What treasures do you desire most Lasting or Temporal? - from VD Prayer Buddies

Day 4: "Our father...Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" -Mat. 6:7-15

  • Our prayers will always lead us to the will of our father and that is Love, Love in giving us everything that we need to live a fulfilled life, a love that will always invites us to share to others what we received. Give love each day in our own little ways and gradually fulfill Gods will in our life day by day! - VD Prayer Buddies

Day 3: "...when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing...." Mt.6:1-6,16-18.

  • Jesus loves a joyful and a humble giver. He is teaching us that to love others is not to "show off" that you have done good things but to recognize that our joy is meaningful if it is recognize by God in secret than by the people in the open.   - VD Prayer Buddies

Day 2: Love of Jesus is the true model of Loving others. " I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your father who is in heaven. (Mt 5:43-48)

  • Today Jesus invites us to discover  the real joy of loving our enemies, in human thinking its difficult but Jesus want us to live our life in the fullness of joy by being free from slavery of hatred, ill-feelings and grudges.  We need to ask the Grace of God to be able to love like Jesus. Let's try it NOW and experience real JOY and Freedom. Just simply imagine how many times Jesus forgives our sins. We are invited to do the same. ( VD- Prayer buddies ) Pls pass to others. 

Day 1: "Give to him who begs from you, and do not refuse him who would borrow from you". Mt. 5:42
  • Many times in our life we give with justification and with conditions. We often forget that God gave everything we need. He even gave His life even if we don't deserve it. Our time, talent and treasure are God's gift to us. Let us be reminded of God's generosity by sharing what we received from HIM. -VD Prayer Buddies

Monday, June 10, 2013

Prayer Reflections Week IX (June 10-16, 2013)

Day 7: "i have been crucified with Christ; yet i live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me."-galatians 2:19.

  • Conversion is not a one-time event, but a necessary way of life. We need to be crucified each day of our selfishness and hidden pride in a daily humble conversion. Complacency leads to downfall, like in David. We nourish our faith in God's mercy to deal realistically with our shadows that stop us being Christ. Walk  humbly with your God today-VD Payer Buddies

Day 6: 'you are the salt of the earth,but if the salt losses its taste,with what can it be seasoned?' Mat 5:14-16...

  • Can a light be hidden? let your light shine' The fruit of our dialogue, our intimacy with God can be seen, can be light for others, if we allow it to be. let that light from God shine through us in concrete gestures, actions, words. What is God's invitation for you? -VD Prayer Buddies

Day 5:Mat 7:21-23 "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom in heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."

  • Our prayers will manifest not in our words but through our actions. What is the quality of your prayer? Does it entail sincerity? Grow in faith means grow in our relationship with the lord.- VD Prayer Buddies

Day 4: Mat 5:3-10 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"

  • To be poor in spirit is when we continuously seek the will of God for our life and to always depend on him in whatever situations that we are facing now. By so doing, we are slowly transformed not to ask what we want God do unto us but what God wants to do with our life and start to live differently yet fulfilled and happy. - VD Prayer Buddies

Day 3: "..I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me." Gal.2:20.

  • The transformative power of prayer elevates our life to be Christ-like. It continues to mold us by renewing our mind,heart and soul to live according to the design that God wants us to live. Be steadfast in prayer and be amazed on the wonderful life it will lead you. - VD Prayer Buddies

Day 2: 1 kings 17:21 T'hen he stretched himself out on the boy three times and cried out to the Lord, “Lord my God, let this boy’s life return to him!”

  • bold prayer need pure heart and  much confidence and trust to let God move towards it. We are invited to return to life again  asking not by merely getby prayer but bold prayer with trust and confidence. -VD Prayer Buddies 

Day 1: This, then is how you should pray: 'Our Father in heaven: May your holy name be honoured; May your kingdom come; may your will done on earth as it is in heaven. Mt 6:6-13.                                

  • How do I pray? The passage of today teaches us how we ought to pray. Prayer is not about us. To pray is to know what God's will is for our life amidst the situations we are facing. Real prayer is a prayer which transforms our thinking to the thinking of God. We can say that we have truly prayed when we follow not we want but we follow the will of God for us. VD PRAYER BUDDIES
  • Your Father knew what u need before u ask him mt 6:8. where shall i go and meet my God? It starts with an act of faith and dialogue.   monday lord teach us how to pray mt. 6:6-13  morning! - Mylene

Monday, June 3, 2013

Prayer Reflections Week VIII (June 3-9, 2013)

Day 7: He said,"young man, i tell you, get up!"-luke 7:14. 
  • Words cannot measure the boundaries of love for those reborn in Christ. Jesus, raise us beyond the limits this world imposes, so that we may be free to love as You did and taught, to find our joy in the Lord of Life.-VD Prayer Buddies
Day 6: 'then Elijah...pray'o Lord my God,restore this child to life! The Lord answer Elijah's prayer,the child started breathing again and revived' 1kings 17-2

  •  What is our life in the life of others? Many moments our experiences and learning in carrying our crosses is a bridge of posibility 4 others. How many people need of ur concern & prayer? Help them to li in d diferent way the chalenges of life. U are a bridge for God's answer.-VD Prayer Buddies

Day 5:Hebrews 12:3-6; "My son, pay attention when the Lord corrects you and do not be discourage when he rebukes you. Because the Lord corrects everyone he loves, and punishes everyone he accepts as a son."

  • The reason why God suffered and died in the cross because of his great love. Sometimes we cannot understand sufferings and hardships in our life because  we considered it punishments. God loves us so He correct us, that we can understand really our purpose, so we can continue following Him. We can walk with him with so much confidence and trust and we can share His holiness. Accept him and trust to the Lord our God.-From VD Prayer Buddies

Day 4: "He leaves the other 99 sheep in the pasture and goes looking for the 1 that was lost until he finds it"  - Luke 15:3-7
  • Many times in our life that we are lost; judging others, hating someone who hurts us, being so concerned with the many problems that we have that we forgot to pray. Jesus never allow us to be lost completely, he will always find us and bring us back tenderly and happily to where we really belong... to God. - VD Prayer Buddies

Day 3: "..keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end. He did not give up the cross" - Hb 12:2
  • Don't be afraid of the cross but because behind it there's joy, hope and glory that awaits us. Embrace it just like He is now seated at the right side of God. Be strong, Be faithful. Its how we live our crosses that we are defined as true followers of Christ. - VD Prayer Buddies

Day 2: Romans 5:10 "We were God's enemies but he made us friends through the death of his Son"
  • How precious we are to God, He continues to reach out to us up to the extent of spending the life of his son Jesus Christ just to establish friendship with us. We maybe have a lot of friends but only in God's friendship we can find true happiness and salvation. Thank you Lord for giving me new life and time today to pray, In this way i can take care of our friendship. how do you value your friendship with God? - VD Prayer Buddies
Day 1: ".. the gate to life is narrow and way that leads to it is hard, there are few people who finds it" - Mt. 7:13-14
  • True Christian life is difficult to traverse, but the glory that will bring us is far worth it. Don't give up just walk on. Fix your eyes to the path where Jesus will lead you. For there is no other way to salvation except through him -VD Prayer Buddies